
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Evolution of Icons

We just recently bumped up to Office 2013 at work, and something about it just really irked me. Then I realized it was the styling; the command icons, the little graphics in the menus and tabs, whatever you wanna call it. It made me think about how things have changed over the years - obviously the technology has evolved, but interestingly, the philosophy behind designing the graphics seems to have changed too. And not always for the better... well, here's how I see it.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


This is an anecdote that's existed within my circle of friends for almost a decade now. Since it was technically made mostly in Paint, I guess I'll post it here too

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Scumbag Pride

Wow, I got really lazy with this one. It's an oldish topic by now, and most of this strip consists of hastily shopped clip-art from around the web. Eh, screw it.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Dubstep Rating System

I hate dubstep. Well, generally. But recently I heard <this> track, and I thought, "Hmm, it actually pays lip service to the genre's distant Reggae roots, it has a rhythm to it, and it's on the Breaking Bad soundtrack... I'll give it a pass.

Then I caught wind that praising Knife Party as quality dubstep is actually frowned upon by most whomp-head purists.

So I created the following rating system and gave it the highest score of Yellow.

I'd say about 10% falls into the top category, with 30% in the very lowest rank and the remaining majority being just "typical." It's kinda like the DHS's Terror Alert scale in reverse. And with no green or blue levels, because we're talking about dubstep here, folks.

Saturday, April 12, 2014